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StormGate Overview

The StormGate Stormwater High Flow Bypass Structure is a precast structure that addresses high-energy flows, in excess of design flows, that may occur on a site.

High flows can reduce the effectiveness of water quality facilities by re-suspending sediments and flushing captured floatables, causing a concentrated pulse of pollutants to be sent to downstream waterways.

StormGate only allows stormwater runoff flows up to the water quality design flow to enter the water quality facility and  bypass or re-direct the flows greater than the design flow around the stormwater treatment facility.

StormGate Benefits

  • Minimizes the occurrence of pulsing when installed upstream of water quality or pretreatment facilities
  • Directs the high flow away from upstream treatment system
  • Field-adjustable weir and orifice provide tighter control over system hydraulics than other high flow bypass methods

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